IDRA Managing Director  V. Carr and Our IDRA Experts, Authors and Contributors Have Been Published in the Media Outlets Listed Above

Public Relations (or P.R.) is a wonderful, yet often overlooked marketing tool. P.R. is an intangible - making it a tough sell for many P.R. professionals. It is our job to sell the concept and show the client how it will enhance marketing efforts and, in many cases, replace costly or one-off advertising. Public relations is....

Imagine if you were going to address a stadium full of people. You'd probably spend hours (if not days or weeks) agonizing over every word you were going to say. You'd practice your gestures in the mirror. You'd carefully select your clothing. You might even rehearse with your family.Surprisingly, though, many....

You have an idea for a product or service and you want to spend marketing money to get new customers fast! Wait. Plan before you start spending money on marketing. A business owner came to me recently having spent money on marketing, yet unhappy with his results. He had spent marketing money on a website, blog....

Do you 'wing-it' because you're busy? Or, do you set aside some time to get ready and rehearse your key messages to maximize this opportunity? Be prepared, the age-old motto of the Girl Guides association is the key to interview success. You've done the hard yards and got your 10 minutes of fame, don't spoil it. Being interviewed....

"media people are willing to
make you
famous & wealthy
if you just
give them a good story."
Paul Hartunian
IDRA Expert
PR Guru
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